



 “FISHERMANs ShortRod!” 

Red Tail 60&Spinoza short 512 series made based on “RS structure”, that is an Original theory of GT rod which “Fisherman” has cultivated for years. These rod fishts against the all huge fishes in the world.

Fisherman which has made the Jigging short rod “Monster 56” for big fish for the first time in the world, and also developed the “RED Tail 60” series for amberjacks. Furthermore, FISHERMAN made “Spinoza short 512 series” still shorter and powerful.“The red of FISHERMAN”the short rod series are excellent in operativity and can manipulate a jig skillfully. So many angler was looking forward the series. New concept balance PAT-P reduces the tireness of jigging, which attains to the long time in a heavy jigging. This rod has the softness which can invite a fish, moving a jig like the live bait, and has the power which can move a heavy jig 400g or more, with the depth of water of 150~200m! 

By the test, with this rod, Long jig 64 750g invites a fish and it is a great hit! A heavy jig can be operated free. There is sensitivity which does not miss the delicate hit of big fish. Hooking which does not flip a fish. Pliability of a rod which can be united with a motion of big fish. It has the outstanding lifting performance. This series has all the short rod performances for which the angler who aims at an amberjack by JIGINGU is asking. And this series excel in durability, the reliable actual result was recorded during the test. 

RED TAILMonster60・・ 52kgAmberjack

The left photograph is in which Suzuki of the tester of our company is doing the fight to the 52kg huge amberjack using the RT 60. The lower photo is the shark exaggerated 100kg caught by RED Tail 60, last year.64kg amberjack had been fished with the fight for 14 minutes by Spinoza Short 5122. Please expect the new concept rod (PAT-P) which Fisherman develops.

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